Friday, July 13, 2007

Trip to Colorado


We got back this week from our first trip tp Colorado to meet some more of the family. Howie got to meet his Great Grandma, Aunt Melissa, Uncle Dan and his cousin Jase. We had a lot of fun. He did really well traveling and he did well to get back on his schedule when we got home. He is starting to walk more and enjoying it. It is still not fast enough for him, but he is trying which is what counts. We have another tooth coming in so we are pretty cranky right now. When this tooth comes in we will have 4 top and 4 bottom. We are still working on the talking, but it is coming. He is using his signs a lot and is stringing more than one together, like more please. We are really proud of him. We go to the doctor in a week or so and I am excited to hear what she has to say. I will try to post more often.